MESC Counselling Resources
ᑕᑕᐊᐧᐤ -- Tatawaw! -- Welcome!
Welcome to Maskwacîs Education School Commission's online counselling resources site. We are proud to offer mental health resources for children and youth on this site. There are other links on the side for the different pages and resources. We will continue to add to each page as we get new information so check back every once in a while! Stay safe, healthy, and happy!
Emergency and Crisis Contacts:
Maskwacîs Mobile Mental Health crisis line 780-362-2150 (call or text)
Maskwacîs Ambulance: 780-585-4000
Maskwacîs RCMP: Phone: (780) 585-3767
Maskwacîs Counselling: 780-585-2268 and through their Facebook page
Suicide Prevention: text 45645 call 1-833-456-4566
Text4Hope: Text COVID19HOPE to 393939 to subscribe for ways to cope with feelings of isolation, etc.
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
FN and Inuit hope for wellness: 1-855-242-3310
ConnecTeen: text only 587-333-2724
Youthspace: text only 778-783-0177